Keepass keeweb
Keepass keeweb

keepass keeweb

For Team passwords, we'll be investigating storage in the Tiki File gallery, protected by User Encryption. Each user could manage their own database of passwords (with all the nifty integrations that are available). It is not possible to have more than one password per database, thus, each project / team needs to share a KeePass database (a. There are use cases which instead warrant folder encryption or even full-disk encryption, which is not handled by KeePass, but the keys to decrypt could be stored in KeePass. Beyond passwords, you can also attach files to password entries (ex.: PGP signature files, sensitive spreadsheets, contracts, etc.), which is immensely useful. KeePass is a popular, full-featured FLOSS password manager. We are exploring the possibility of KeePass becoming one of the Tiki Suite Components

Keepass keeweb