Necessary to use video driver cleaner
Necessary to use video driver cleaner

Toshal is an incredible team to work with. Refer the below link on how to execute Selenium scripts on an already opened browser: -? Try (BufferedReader br = new BufferedReader(new FileReader(csvFile)))ĭriver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#app > div > div > div._37f_5 > div._3HZor._3kF8H > span > div > span > div > div:nth-child(2) > div > label > input")).sendKeys(ContactInfo) ĪndKeys(Keys.ENTER).build().perform() ĭriver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#main > footer > div._pyable-area > div._13mgZ > div > div._-text")).sendKeys(ContactInfo) ġ. Write the following code to read a contact number and message from a CSV file. To read contact number and message, create a comma Separated CSV File in below format.ġ0. Write Following code for clicking on new messageĭriver.findElement(By.cssSelector("#side > header > div.sbcXq > div > span > div:nth-child(2)")).click() Ĩ. WebDriver driver= new ChromeDriver(options) ĭriver.manage().timeouts().implicitlyWait(60,TimeUnit.SECONDS) Ībove code will interact with the already open chrome browser.ħ. tExperimentalOption("debuggerAddress","localhost:9014") tProperty("", "E:\\Selenium Scripts\\libs\\chromedriver.exe") ĬhromeOptions options = new ChromeOptions() Create one main method in the above-created class and add following code for executing script in chrome which is already open in debugging mode in step 2. Now create a new class in the above-created package.Ħ. Now go to library > Add external Jars ( Add All selenium Required jar files )Selenium standalone server and other Required jar files you can download from this link: ġ. Now Open Eclipse and create a new java project. Which is already running in debug mode.ģ. Now open and login with your account in chrome. It will not affect the original profile of chrome.Ģ. You can use any port, here I am using 9014.īy executing the above command, it will create a new profile for the chrome. Open Chrome in debug mode using the following command.Ĭhrome.exe -remote-debugging-port=9014 -user-data-dir="E:\Selenium Scripts\Chrome_Test_Profile” (This command opens the window in debug mode). Once you are done with all the above, setup follow the below steps:ġ. C:\Program Files (x86)\Google\Chrome\Application). In the Edit System Variable (or New System Variable) window, append the path. If the PATH environment variable does not exist, click New. In the section System Variables, find the PATH environment variable and select it.

necessary to use video driver cleaner

In Search, search this: System (Control Panel)Ĭlick Environment Variables. Follow the below steps to set environment path in windows:

necessary to use video driver cleaner

Set the chrome application path to an environment variable. The folder name should be “Chrome_Test_Profile”. Create a new folder on any driver except C: Drive.

Necessary to use video driver cleaner